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The Holy Grail Of Beans

Beans and Plantain in a Plate - Adun

Okay, gather around people.

Oh, I hear someone complaining about my absence... Hey man, you should be used to it. Maybe I will just stop making promises. But we go again!

Truth is I had already written a post about Beans, had the photos and whatnot but the Spirit told me to hold on and... jk I was just too damn lazy to write it. See, I be working in the background uno.

Well, some days ago I was making Moin-Moin, I soaked it and blended it blah blah blah. That whole process sparked an interesting thought in my head and I tweeted about it.

I mean, to cook a lot of tough things you need to soak them first amirite? I got to it and did it after a gruelling, busy day of achieving nothing at work. And guess what, I hereby declare every single person who never advised me to soak my beans persona non grata. 


  • 2 Tomatoes
  • 2 tsp of Salt
  • 2 Habaneros
  • 2 Onion Bulbs
  • 2 Ripe Plantains
  • 2 Cups of Beans
  • 2 Spoons of Palm Oil
  • 1 Can of Coconut Milk
  • 3 tbsp of Boullion Powder
  • 2 tbsp of Crayfish Powder

Because surprisingly after I posted about it, there came the comments; 

"i tHoUgHt yOu kNeW", "eVeRyBodY dOeS tHis".

People like these will know the Powerball numbers but won't tell you. Well for the rest of us here we go! Beans and Plantain - Adun


  1. Clean out your beans (clean and rinse).Clean Beans - Adun
  2. In a bowl, immerse your beans in water to cover it and leave it for at least 1 hour. I left it for just one hour because mans was hungry okay? But I hear you can leave it for longer for better results.Soaked Beans - Adun
  3. After your soaking time, pour your beans into a pot with the rest of the water from soaking and start cooking. You don't want to waste all the nutrients in that water you also don't want to add more water so as not to have a pool when you add the rest of the ingredients.
  4. At this point, you want to blend your peppers, tomatoes and one onion and add this to the pot.
  5. Add your can of coconut milk, crayfish, palm oil, bouillon cubes, and salt, add the last onion sliced up and let this start boiling. At this stage, some of the beans should break down, giving you the silkiest sauce and a porridge-like mix. I promise you, you won't believe it.
  6. Let this cook for about 20 minutes then add your cut-up plantains into the pot, stir and reduce to low heat. Stir this up and after about 10 more minutes, taste the goodness that you have, a sweet, spicy, coconutty, velvety beans porridge! SOAK YO BEANS ALWAYS! Cooked Beans - Adun