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Chicken Bites

Chicken Bites - Adun

Hello Guys! Hope you are having an amazing week. Cause I'm about to make it amazing-er. Sighs, I think I'll just stick food thing and leave making new words.

Today's recipe was birthed from a very modified dish I made. Let me tell you a quick story.

I hosted a dinner and served a variation of Gizdodo made with chicken. (I just remembered I need to put up that recipe too, my bad guys). One of my guests said this is so good, how did you get the chicken so juicy and moist and tender and it works perfectly with the Plantain, but this chicken by itself is so good.

*lightbulb moment*

*cue dramatic suspenseful music*

A New Dish Was Born.


  • 2 Onions
  • Cooking Oil
  • Bell Peppers
  • Chicken Thighs
  • Seasoning Cubes
  • A Very Good Knife
  • Blended Pepper Base


  1. Debone and skin your chicken thighs. (I got the ones with the bone and skin because the way my bank account is set up, they are cheaper). Chicken Thighs in Packaging - Adun
  2. Cut them into small bite-sized pieces. Deboned Chicken Thighs in a Pot - Adun
  3. Season these pieces with salt, thyme, curry, and crushed pepper, add a little water then cook for about 15 mins. I usually leave my meats in the stock for at least an hour so it soaks up the flavor (I call it reverse marination). Cooked Chicken Thighs - Adun
  4. Drain the chicken and fry lightly.  Fried Chicken Thighs - Adun
  5. Add 2 cooking spoons of oil to a pan, blended pepper, and some sliced onions. Add seasoning cubes, thyme, and curry, and let it simmer. Blended Pepper in a Wok - Adun
  6. Throw in your fried chicken bites, toss in the pepper sauce and let this simmer. You want every bite to be coated properly and equally. Add the remainder of your sliced onions and your cut-up bell peppers.Tossed Chicken Thighs - Adun
  7. Toss and stir repeatedly till you're tired, just kidding but make sure every chicken bit, pepper, and onion slice is coated or kissed with the sauce. Chicken Bites - Adun